About this work
At Aunt Square's home, there's always hot chocolate on the stove, pleasant chats, and space to be exactly who you are. Aunt Square has a large, round belly, and deep inside there's always a good and hearty laugh. Yes, summer vacation is wonderfully long when spent at Aunt Square's home. And he loves to tell good and funny stories.
The poetry on this work is written by Hans Pilgaard.
Art print on heavy paper.
Quality Assurance
When you order a piece, you can be sure that you are buying a high-quality product. Watercolors are painted on acid-free paper. Only acrylics and canvases of the highest quality are used. Danish products are used where possible. Frames are made of sustainable wood. You can read more about the frames by clicking here.
We reserve the right to 1) create similar works, 2) exhibit this work, 3) reprint art prints of this work, 4) use the work in marketing, 5) use the work in connection with the sale of NFT art.